One of our most enduringly popular stories on the Under One Woof blog is about the happiest dog breeds. Clearly, people want to know about companions that will lift their spirits, and as an offshoot of that original piece, we want to examine the best dogs for anxiety. There’ll be some overlap with the aforementioned story, but by and large this is about finding a pup to ease your worries and give you a positive distraction to boot.
French Bulldog
Though they’re a little tricky to train, Frenchies are personable, sweet and good-natured. Best of all, they don’t mind spending a day on the couch in front of the TV when the going’s getting tough. But if a spot of exercise is all you need, they’ll happily trot along beside you. Frenchies are ideal because they can live in apartments or big homes. They’re not fussed.
Chihuahuas aren’t fixated on going for long walks and they’re low maintenance enough that, if you’re having a bad day, it won’t be all about them. Plus, they’re small enough to snuggle up to. Finally, Chihuahuas are people-pleasers at heart, and they’ll set off in hot pursuit any time you try to leave the room. Often, being alone isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
Cocker Spaniel
There’s a pint-sized theme running through this article, and let’s add the Cocker Spaniel to the list. These happy-go-lucky dogs are especially good for children who are suffering from depression or anxiety. They’re wonderful with children, in fact, and have the right temperament to lift spirits.
Golden Retriever
Any time you see a guide dog in action, chances are it’s a Golden Retriever. These lovable animals are wonderful companions no matter your age and easy to train too. Thanks to their high intelligence, they often seem to understand the way the owner is feeling and know just the way to lift that person’s mood.
Labrador Retriever
Chances are if a Golden fits the bill, a Lab does too. Which one you ultimately plump for is going to be down to personal taste. That said, Labs can often be a little more high energy, wihle Goldens are slightly more sensitive and soft. Goldens need a touch more grooming – Labs less. But in the end, both are wonderful additions to the home, and if you can’t decide, get one of each!
Saint Bernard
Dogs are often excitable and impatient. Not so the Saint Bernard. Perhaps because of his enormous frame, the Bernard likes nothing more than to lie down and chill. Better still, these dogs are highly patient and happy to please their owner. If you want an enormous cuddly bear as a companion, look no further.