Winter is coming and with shorter days, longer nights and the general Fahrenheit plummeting, it’s the time to get cozy and stay indoors more.
That got us thinking: what are some of the breeds out there that like nothing better than to keep it chilled in good company?
In the article to follow, we identify four breeds that are perfectly content to stay inside and curl up on the couch.
St Bernard
Who needs a stuffed teddy bear when you can have a St Bernard? These gentle giants are quiet, relaxed and content with low-energy living. True, they’re not best suited to apartments, but if you have the space, they’re tailor made for relaxed living. Make sure you give them training early on, because their sheer size can mean a mess quickly ensues, but once brought up to speed, they’re great animals to have around.
Did you know?
St Bernards herald from the Alps of Europe, which explains their thick winter coat. In fact, they date back to the eleventh century!
French bulldog
Frenchies are city slickers and an increasingly popular companion because they can quite happily put up with small apartments. They don’t make a lot of noise and they don’t need a lot to keep them happy. A moderate amount of exercise does the job just fine, thanks. What’s more, they’re very intelligent, and have almost human qualities. Owners of Frenchies swear that their animal is like an extension of them.
Did you know?
The French Bulldog is a cross between a Pug and a terrier and as a result of this breeding, has distinctive “bat-like” ears.
Bassett Hound
You’ll know a Bassett Hound when you see one: they have the distinctively long, velvety ears that hang low. Less immediately obvious to the naked eye is their incredible sense of smell.
Bassetts are loyal companions and though they need a bit of training early on, they’re extremely low-maintenance companions, often more content to have a nap than go for a long walk. They’re very small dogs too, so if space is a premium in your home, a Bassetts will fit right in.
Did you know?
“Basset” is French for “low” – an apt name, since the Bassett Hound only stands 14 inches off the ground!
The Boerboel has an unearned reputation for being dangerous. While this is not a breed you want to take on if you’re new to dog-ownership, rest assured that Boerboels are incredibly genial companions. In fact, despite their massive size and incredible strength, they’re perfectly content curling up on the couch in front of the fire. Boerboels do need to be exercised less they gain weight, and many do develop joint problems later in life, but few companions are quite this loyal, or quite this docile.
Did you know?
“Boer” means “farm”; this breed was developed in South Africa to protect livestock from wild animals, and by extension, to protect farm owners too.